Daniele Amoroso

Position: Professor of International Law at the University of Cagliari

Links: Website

Expertise Areas: New Technologies & International Law, International Human Rights Law, State Responsibility, Self-Determination of Peoples

Contact: daniele.amoroso@unica.it


Daniele Amoroso (PhD in Law & Economics, Istituto di Scienze Umane, 2011) is Associate Professor of Public International Law at the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza of the University of Cagliari.

He is Associate Editor of the Italian Yearbook of International Law. He is also national reporter for the International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC) database (Oxford University Press). He is Chair of the Interest Group of the Italian Society of International and EU Law on International and EU law in Domestic Legal Systems. He is member of the Board of the PhD Course in Economic Law at the University of Naples Federico II. In 2010 he was visiting fellow at the Leiden Law School.

Daniele Amoroso has written extensively on public international law, with particular regard to the relationship between international and domestic legal orders, human rights, state responsibility, immunities, international courts, self-determination of peoples, and new technologies. He authored one monograph (on judicial abdication in foreign affairs), around 20 articles and chapters in edited books, and several minor works which include encyclopedia entries, case notes, and book reviews. He has published in world-renowned peer-reviewed journals such as the Leiden Journal of International Law, the Chinese Journal of International Law and Global Jurist, as well as in prominent Italian reviews.

He was invited and selected to present papers in conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad, including the 6th STS Italia Conference (Trento 2016), the 2015 ESIL Research Forum at the European University Institute, the 2013 Annual Workshop of the ASIL International Law in Domestic Court Interest Group at the Yale University, the 10th Annual Conference of the Global Studies Association at the Merton College (Oxford, 2010).

In 2017 he took part to the Task Force Workshop on “Robots, Bytes, and Bombs: Disruptive Technologies and 21st Century Warfare”, hosted by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Berlin


Amoroso, D., and Tamburrini, G. (2017). “The Ethical and Legal Case Against Autonomy in Weapons Systems,” Global Jurist. (on-line)

Amoroso, D., and Tamburrini, G. (2017). I pericoli dei killer robot, Scienzainrete. (on-line)

Amoroso, D. (2017). “Jus in bello and jus ad bellum Arguments Against Autonomy in Weapons Systems: A Re-appraisal,” Questions of International Law, Zoom-in 43: 5-31. PDF

Amoroso, D. (2017). “Muddying the ‘Bright Lines’: the Crimean Claim to Self-Determination in a Policy-Oriented Perspective,” in Czapliński, W. et al. (eds.), The Case of Crimea’s Annexation Under International Law, Scholar Publishing House: 105-130.

Amoroso, D. (2016). “Armed Opposition Groups’ (And Foreign Fighters’) Abidance by International Human Rights Law: The Issue of Compliance in Syria and Iraq,” in de Guttry, A. et al. (eds.), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, T.M.C. Asser Press: 205-226.

Amoroso, D. (2015). “Judicial Abdication in Foreign Affairs and the Effectiveness of International Law,” Chinese Journal of International Law, 14(1): 99-134.

Additional Academic Publications