Position: Academy of Finland, Tampere University
Links: Website
Expertise Areas: New Technologies & International Law, International Human Rights Law, State Responsibility, Self-Determination of Peoples
Contact: runesaugmann@landminer.dk
Rune Saugmann Andersen is currently an Academy of Finland post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Tampere, working on the role of digital visual media in security politics. His project ‘post-human ways of seeing security’ is about the use of machine vision in security politics – in surveillance systems and in autonomous weapons systems.
Rune working at Tampere in 2015 after receiving his Ph.D. from the Centre for Advanced Security Theory at University of Copenhagen on February 12, 2015 with a dissertation that was characterized the work as ‘strong’, ‘innovative’ and ‘theoretically sophisticated’ and a work that ‘go well beyond merely adequate qualification for a PhD’ by the assessment committee, composed of Professor Michael Shapiro (Hawai’i), Professor Peter Burgess (PRIO) and Associate Professor Karen Lund Petersen (Copenhagen), .
Rune’s interdisciplinary research has been published in leading peer-reviewed outlets such as European Journal of International Relations, Journalism Practice, and Security Dialogue, and in numerous edited books in media studies and international relations. He has published his academic videos in the peer-reviewed video journal Audiovisual Thinking.
Rune is the chair of the board of the Danish NGO Denmark Against Landmines, and since 2010 has been lead researcher on Danish cluster munitions policy for the Landmines and Cluster Munitions Monitor, a yearly report of global renown published by the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines.
*Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2017). Video, algorithms and security: How digital video platforms produce post-sovereign security articulations.Security Dialogue. 10.1177/0967010617709875 (1 citation)
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2017). Hallucination as security knowledge – a reply to Steele, Global Discourse, Vol 7 (2-3), 219-222, DOI: 10.1080/23269995.2017.1338507 (7 citations)
* Andersen, R. S., Guillaume, X., & Vuori, J. A. (2016). Paint it black: Colours and the social meaning of the battlefield. European Journal of International Relations Vol. 22(1), 49–71. DOI: 10.1177/1354066115573336 (7 citations)
* Andersen, R. S., Vuori, J. A., & Guillaume, X. (2015). Chromatology of Security: Introducing Colours to Visual Security Studies. Security Dialogue46(5) October 2015, pp. 440-457. DOI: 10.1177/0967010615585106 (3 citations)
*Saugmann Andersen, R. (2013). Epistemic Authority, Lies, and Video: the constitution of knowledge and (in)security in the video/security nexus. JOMEC journal 4 – november 2013. (Open access, 2 citations)
* Saugmann Andersen, R. & Möller, F. (2013). Engaging the limits of visibility: Photography, security and surveillance. Security Dialogue 44(3) June 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0967010613484955 (29 citations)
Saugmann Andersen, R. (2012) #Neda and video activism in the visual battlefield, Audiovisual Thinking, 4(2012) (Video article, open access)
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2012) Remediating #IranElection: Journalistic strategies for positioning citizen-made snapshots and text bites from the 2009 Iranian post-election conflict. Journalism Practice 6(3)June 2012. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2012.663593 (19 citations)
Chapters in peer-reviewed books
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (in print) Surveillance. In: Roland Bleiker (ed.)Visual global politics. Routledge.
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2016). Citizens’ Right to Look: Repurposing Amateur Images in the Ukraine Conflict. In: Mervi Pantti (ed.) Media and the Ukraine Crisis: Hybrid Media Practices and Narratives of Conflict New York: Peter Lang.
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2016): Visual politics and material semiotics: The digital camera’s translation of political protest. In Edgar Gómez Cruz & Asko Lehmuskallio(eds.) Digital Photography and Everyday Life. Routledge, ECREA book series.
Vuori, Juha A.; Andersen, Rune Saugmann & Guillaume, Xavier (2016): Flags. In: Mark Salter (ed.) Making Things International 2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2015): Video. In: Mark Salter (ed.) Making Things International 1. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Winner of the International Studies Association’s 2016 annual prize for Edited volumes, special issues and symposia. (19 citations)
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2015): Meta-mediation, visual agency and documentarist reflexivity in conflict film: Burma VJ meets Burke + Norfolk In: van Munster & Sylvest (eds.) Documenting World Politics. London: Routledge (Popular Culture and World Politics Series)
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann; Vuori, Juha A. & Mutlu, Can E. (2014): Visuality. In: Claudia Aradau; Jef Huysmans; Andrew Neal & Nadine Voelkner (eds.) Critical Security Methods. New frameworks for analysis. London, Routledge. (28 citations)
Ph.D. Dissertation
*Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2015) Remediating Security. A semiotic framework for analyzing how video speaks security / Copenhagen: Department of Political Science, 2015. 356 p. ISBN 87 7393 744 4
Books not peer reviewed
* Andersen, Rune Saugmann & Skjoldan, Lasse (2009) The WTO Agenda and the Media Agenda: Villains, Victims, and the International Press Coverage of the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations. / Copenhagen: Forlaget Politiske Studier, 2009. 256 p.
Book chapters not peer reviewed
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2013) Citizen ‘Micro-journalism’: How #IranElection Was Exploited in Politics and Newspaper Stories. In: Berener (ed.) Social Media go to War, pp. 335-353. Spokane: Marquette Books
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2009): Kampen om medieklimaet. (Fighting for the Media Climate) In: Peter Nedergaard & Peter Fristrup (eds.) Klimapolitik: – dansk, europæisk, globalt.. Kbh.: Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, 2009. S. 157-184.
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2014): The Ironic Spectator. Review of Lilie Chouliaraki’s ‘The Ironic Spectator’, European Journal of Communication 29 (1).
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2011): Iran Election, Cyber-Statehood, and the Mass Mediated Fight for Cyberspace. / Andersen, Rune Saugmann. 2011.
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2010): Pirate Bay på vej mod virtuel statsdannelse. (Pirate Bay on the way to Virtual Statehood) / Andersen, Rune Saugmann. I: Ipmonopolet: tidssskrift for international politik [Online], Vol. 3, Nr. 8, 2010, s. 14-17.
Andersen, Rune Saugmann (2009): Internationale medier: Når sproget er den eneste forskel. (International Media: When Language is All of the Difference) / Andersen, Rune Saugmann. I: Ipmonopolet, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, 2009, s. 5-8.